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External Command Reference
A ksh-like Shell for the Amiga
Version 1.5
(Copyright) 1989, 1990
Steve Koren
July 20, 1990
Table of Contents
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 2 External Cmd Reference
This reference manual describes each SKsh external command in
a concise manner. Each page contains the following
Name: The name of the command.
Type: Always External Command for this document; may be
something else in the reference manual.
Default: Default parameters, if applicable.
Usage: Command syntax
Range: Legal values for variables or parameters
About: Text describing the command, variable, etc.
Example: A brief example usage.
See Also: Other related commands, variables, etc.
When reading the command syntax, anything in square brackets
is optional. Anything followed by three dots can be repeated
any number of times. A vertical bar is used to separate op-
tion where one or the other, but not both, can be used.
In general, 'command -a -b' is equilivant to 'command -ab'.
All external commands were re-written in SKsh 1.4 to be much
smaller and faster than their earlier counterparts. In 1.5
they are slightly smaller yet.
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 3 External Cmd Reference
Name: cat
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: cat [ file ... ]
Range: n/a
About: cat copies the files named on the command line to
its standard output. If no files are named, it
copies the standard input to the standard output.
The cat external command is provided as an alter-
native to the builtin form; this one can copy bi-
nary data as well as ASCII data and is much faster
when the output is redirected to a file.
To use the external cat command by default, insert
the following line into your .skshrc file:
unset -b cat
Example: cat myfile.foo
See Also: The cat command entry in Reference.doc
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 4 External Cmd Reference
Name: cmp
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: cmp [ -s ] file1 file2
Range: n/a
About: cmp compares two files for equality. It can be
used on binary as well as textual data. cmp is
fast in that if the files are not the same size,
it won't even bother comparing the contents of the
files. cmp normally outputs a message that indi-
cates whether the files are the same, different,
or one is shorter than the other. If the -s op-
tion is used, compare does not output this infor-
mation, but simply returns a zero exit status if
the files were the same, or non-zero if they were
Example: if cmp -s file1 file2
echo 'file1 is the same as file2'
echo 'file1 is different than file2'
See Also:
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 5 External Cmd Reference
Name: cp
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: cp [ -nuv ] file { file | dir }
cp [ -nruv ] { file | dir } ... dir
Range: n/a
About: cp copies files from one place to another, option-
ally renaming them in the process. If the desti-
nation is a directory, the files have the same
name in the destination directory. If more than
one file is copied, the destination must be either
a directory or nonexistant. If it is nonexistant,
it is created as a directory.
The -r flag causes cp to perform a recursive copy.
The -v flag prints the name of each file as it is
The -n flag causes cp NOT to duplicate file modi-
fication times and protection flags on the desti-
nation files. If you wish to make this the de-
fault behavior, use this alias:
alias cp='$(which cp) -n'
cp will reset the AmigaDos archive bit whether or
not the -v flag is used.
The -u flag causes cp to operate in "update" mode;
only files with a newer timestamp than their asso-
ciated destination are copied.
Example: cp my_file1 m_file2 my_file3 my_directory
Warnings: The -c (clone) flag was obsoleted in SKsh 1.4. It
is still accepted for backward compatibility; how-
ever, it is ignored. Use the -n option to turn
off the clone behaviour.
The cp command was changed to an external binary
in SKsh 1.4. It used to be a builtin.
See Also: mv
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 6 External Cmd Reference
Name: crc
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: crc file1 file2
Range: n/a
About: crc generates several 32 bit values which are com-
puted from a file's contents. These values can be
used to check the integrity of files which are
transfered over a medium of questionable reliabil-
ity (such as phone lines).
Example: crc a_file another_file
See Also:
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 7 External Cmd Reference
Name: cut
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: cut [ -flist [ -dchar ] | -clist ] [ file ... ]
Range: n/a
About: Cut is used for making vertical slices though a
file based on character position or on fields de-
limited by a defined character. It can also be
used to re-order characters or fields within a
The -c option cuts based on character positions in
the line. For example, "-c1,5-10,20" would copy
characters one, five though ten, and twenty from
each input line to the output line. If the list
begins with a dash (for example, "-c-10") the
first item is used implicitly (1 though 10 in this
case). Characters beyond the end of line are
The -f option cuts based on field position within
a line. Fields are separated by the tab character
by default, but this can be changed with the -d
option. For example, "-d:" would use colon sepa-
rated fields. Repeated strings of the field sepa-
rator indicate empty fields. Fields beyond the
last in the record are ignored.
No space may occur between the -d option and the
field separator character, or between the -f or -c
options and the list.
Example: cut -c1-10,15,20-50 myfile.txt
cut -f1,3,5-7 -d: myfile1.txt
See Also:
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 8 External Cmd Reference
Name: du
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: du [ -dkst ] dir ...
Range: n/a
About: du prints disk usage information for a set of
directories. For each directory listed on the
command line, the subtree rooted at that point is
searched in a depth-first manner. du adds all the
file sizes, and for each directory, prints 1) the
directory name, 2) the total disk usage for files
in this directory, and 3) the total disk usage for
the subtree rooted at this directory.
The following options are available:
-k Print disk usage in 1024 byte kilobytes
instead of the default bytes.
-s Summary mode; print disk usage only for
root directories listed on the command
line. This option omits the display for
any sub-directories, but still must exam-
ine the entire directory subtree to find
the total disk usage.
-d Omit the first disk usage number (the to-
tal for this directory only).
-t Omit the second disk usage number (the to-
tal for the subtree rooted at this direc-
tory). If both -t and -d are used, only
directory names are printed.
Example: du devs: ram:
du -s devs:
Warnings: The -k option rounds to the nearest kilobyte. For
example, a 1023 byte file is printed as 1K, and a
511 byte file is printed as 0K. This means that
the rooted subtree disk usage count may not be the
sum of the directory disk usage counts for all
See Also: info
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 9 External Cmd Reference
Name: encr
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: encr { -d|-e } key { infile | - } { outfile | - }
Range: 4 <= strlen(key) <= max parameter length
About: encr encrypts (-e) and decrypts (-d) files, or
standard input and output if the file name is
given as a dash. The key value must be the same
for the encrypt and decrypt; otherwise, garbage
will result. The key may be of any passable
length. Longer keys will result in a more secure
The encrypted data will in most cases not be ASCII
data. However, this can be an advantage in that
encr can be used to encrypt binary as well as
ASCII data.
If encrypted data is to be compressed, the com-
press operation should be performed before the
data is encrypted, not after. This is because the
encrypted data will appear random, and hence be
difficult to compress by the standard algorithms.
encr does not use the DES algorithm, as code based
on that algorithm is not shippable outside of the
United States. (This is a bit paranoid if you ask
me, but no one did). For obvious reasons, I'm not
going to describe the encr algorithm here. The
algorithm should be plenty secure enough to dis-
courage casual perusal of encrypted data. It is
probably not secure enough to keep data from a
dedicated cryptoanalyst, or perhaps even from
someone who is willing to closely examine a disas-
sembly of the program code. I have provided a
small file with this release of SKsh which con-
tains some encrypted english text; I would very
much like to hear if anyone manages to find out
what it says. The file is called "crypted_data".
Example: encr -e mykey plainfile encryptedfile
encr -d mykey encryptedfile plainfile
See Also:
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 10 External Cmd Reference
Name: fgrep
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: fgrep -[vxcilns] [-f pfile] [-e] pattern
[ file ... ]
Range: n/a
About: fgrep provides a fast way to search for text pat-
terns in a set of files. It is similar to, al-
though more limited but faster than, grep.
fgrep searches for the indicated pattern in the
indicated set of files, if present, or the stan-
dard input, if not. An fgrep pattern is extremely
limited; it can be either a string constant or a
set of string constants separated by percent
signs. For example, these are valid fgrep state-
fgrep my_routine *.c
fgrep 'this%or%that' my_file my_other_file
In the second example, fgrep searches for lines
containing any of the three strings.
There are a large number of options availble which
modify the actions of fgrep:
-c Print only a count of matching lines for each
file. If the 'v' option is used with the 'c'
option, a count of non-matching lines is
-e Use the next argument as the pattern. This
is useful to search for patterns beginning
with a dash.
-f Use the next argument as a file which con-
tains a newline separated list of values.
This file is read and used in place of the
command line pattern. For example, the fol-
lowing two examples are equivalent:
fgrep 'foo%bar' myfile
echo "foo" >temp; echo "bar" >>temp
fgrep -f temp myfile
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 11 External Cmd Reference
-i Ignore case in the search. Normally, fgrep
is case sensitive.
-l Print only the names of files which containg
the given pattern. This is fast; if fgrep
finds the pattern anywhere in the file, it
will stop looking and proceed to the next
file. This can save time for large files
where the task is to discover which files
contain the given pattern.
-n Print the line number before each matching
-s Print nothing. Return an exit code of 0
(true) if any file contained the pattern, or
1 (false) if no files contained the pattern.
-v Invert the search. Lines which do not con-
tain the pattern are printed.
-x Lines must match the pattern exactly, not
simply contain it.
Example: if grep -s my_pattern my_file
echo 'my_file contains my_pattern'
Warnings: Patterns which contain '%', spaces, or other spe-
cial characters should be quoted to avoid being
interpreted by the shell.
The '%' character is used to separate strings in-
stead of a newline as in Un*x, as there is a prob-
lem in AmigaDos passing parameters containing
newlines to external commands.
See Also: grep
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 12 External Cmd Reference
Name: grep
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: grep -[vxcilns] [-f pfile] [-e] pattern
[ file ... ]
Range: n/a
About: grep provides a way to search for text patterns in
a set of files. It is similar to, although more
powerful but slower than, fgrep.
grep searches for the indicated pattern in the in-
dicated set of files, if present, or the standard
input, if not. A grep pattern is a limited regu-
lar expression. An explaination of regular ex-
pressions is beyond the scope of this document;
however, it should be noted that although they ap-
pear similar to wildcards, they are much different
(and more powerful).
There are a large number of options availble which
modify the actions of grep:
-c Print only a count of matching lines for each
file. If the 'v' option is used with the 'c'
option, a count of non-matching lines is
-e Use the next argument as the pattern. This
is useful to search for patterns beginning
with a dash.
-f Use the next argument as a file which con-
tains a one-line regular expression. There
can only be one regular expression in this
version of grep, so this option is currently
of limited use. However, if grep is extended
to permit multiple expressions, the 'f' op-
tion will become more useful.
-i Ignore case in the search. Normally, grep is
case sensitive.
-l Print only the names of files which containg
the given pattern. This is fast; if grep
finds the pattern anywhere in the file, it
will stop looking and proceed to the next
file. This can save time for large files
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 13 External Cmd Reference
where the task is to discover which files
contain the given pattern.
-n Print the line number before each matching
-s Print nothing. Return an exit code of 0
(true) if any file contained the regular ex-
pression, or 1 (false) otherwise.
-v Invert the search. Lines which do not con-
tain the regular expression are printed.
-x The expression must be found at the beginning
of a line.
Example: if grep -s my_pattern my_file
echo 'my_file contains my_pattern'
Warnings: Patterns which contain '*', '.', spaces, or other
special characters should be quoted to avoid being
interpreted by the shell.
Be wary of the difference in the 'x' option be-
tween fgrep and grep.
fgrep often more useful than grep because of its
greater speed and smaller size. This is most
noticable on fast devices such as ram or hard
See Also: fgrep
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 14 External Cmd Reference
Name: head
Type: External Command
Default: num = 10
Usage: head [ -num ] [ file ... ]
Range: 0 <= num
About: head prints the first num lines of each named
file, or the standard input if no files are
indicated. If num is not explicitly set, it has a
default value of 10.
Example: head -5 my_file.c my_other_file.c
See Also: tail
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 15 External Cmd Reference
Name: indent
Type: External Command
Default: char = space
num = 4
Usage: indent [ -num ] [ -cchar ] [ file ... ]
Range: n/a
About: Indent inserts the defined character (a space by
default) a given number of times (4 by default) at
the beginning of every line of a file which does
not contain only a newline. That is, empty lines
are left alone.
Example: indent -5 myfile.txt
See Also:
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 16 External Cmd Reference
Name: join
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: join [ -a ] source1 [ source2 ... ] destination
Range: n/a
About: The join command concatinates binary or ASCII data
from multiple files into a single file, optionally
appending the data to the destination file if the
-a flag is set. The destination file is the last
one given.
Example: join file1 file2 dest_file
See Also:
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 17 External Cmd Reference
Name: num
Type: External Command
Default: num = 4
Usage: num [ -digits ] [ -r ] [ file ... ]
Range: 2 <= digits <= 8
About: num prints ASCII files, prefixing each line in the
file with its line number. By default, 4 digit
line numbers are used, but this can be changed
from 2 to 8 digits numbers with the command line
Also by default, num resets the line number at the
beginning of each file. To use consecutive line
numbers for all files, use the "-r" switch. With
that option selected, the line count is not reset
for each file.
Example: num -6 -r myfile1.c myfile2.c
See Also:
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 18 External Cmd Reference
Name: strings
Type: External Command
Default: num = 6
Usage: strings [ -num ] [ file ... ]
Range: 0 <= num
About: strings searches the named files for strings of at
least num consecutive printable characters. If
found, it prints them. If num is not set, it de-
faults to 6.
Example: strings -10 my_file.o binary_file
See Also:
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 19 External Cmd Reference
Name: srun
Type: External Command
Default: stk = 4000
pri = 0
Usage: srun [ -i file ] [ -o file ] [ -s stk ] [ -p pri ]
program [ args ]
Range: 4000 <= stk
-31 <= pri <= 31
About: srun was created to overcome certain deficiencies
in the AmigaDos run command. srun is most useful
in scripts or functions, although it can also be
used from the command line. It allows you to
specify an input file, output file, stack size,
and priority for a command which is run in the
background. Standard input and output cannot be
re-directed with the AmigaDos run command. The
srun command is very useful in functions such as
the one given below (very much simplified from one
given in the Stuff.sksh file).
Example: function zmore {
srun -o pipe:tmp $(which zoo) -print "$1" "$2"
more pipe:tmp
See Also: run
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 20 External Cmd Reference
Name: tail
Type: External Command
Default: num = 10, '-' option
Usage: tail [ -num | +num ] [ file ... ]
Range: 0 <= num <= 32000
About: tail prints the last num lines of each named file,
or the standard input if no files are named. If a
'+' precedes num instead of a '-', tail instead
skips num lines and prints the rest of the file.
In SKsh 1.4, the algorithm used by tail was
changed. If run on a file, it will now seek to
the end of the file and read backwards until it
encounters the proper line. This means that run-
ning tail on a large file is now nearly instanta-
neous; previously, it would read in the entire
Example: tail -15 my_file.c my_other_file.c
See Also: head
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 21 External Cmd Reference
Name: tee
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: tee [ -a ] [ file ... ]
Range: less than 32 files
About: tee copies its standard input to its standard out-
put, and also to any named files. The old con-
tents of the files are overwritten unless the ap-
pend (-a) flag is used. With no arguments, tee
simply copies its input to its output.
Example: fgrep foo my_file | tee save_foo | wc -c
See Also:
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 22 External Cmd Reference
Name: view
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: see View.doc
Range: n/a
About: view is a command which allows other commands to
be called based on the type of a given file. See
the View.doc manual for a detail description of
this command.
Example: view myfile my_otherfile
See Also:
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 23 External Cmd Reference
Name: wc
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: wc [ -hcwlqt ] [ file ... ]
Range: n/a
About: wc is a utility which counts characters, words, or
lines in a given series of files (or the standard
input, if no files are indicated). It normally
produces information on all three counts, preceded
by a title for each column. If the c, w, or l
flags are set, only information on characters,
words, or lines is printed. (These can be com-
bined; for example 'wc -cl'). If the q flag is
set, wc does its work quietly; that is, it leaves
out titles and file names, only reporting the ac-
tual counts. The t flag can be used to obtain a
total at the end, and the h flag prints a helpful
usage message.
Example: if [ $(wc -lq my_file) -lt 10 ]
echo "There must be at least 10 lines"
See Also:
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 24 External Cmd Reference
Name: window
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: window [ -back ] [ -front ] [ -title ]
[ -pos [x,y] ] [ -size [x,y] ] [ -scrsize ]
[ -wmouse ] [ -smouse ]
Range: n/a
About: window is a command which allows parameters of the
current shell window to be modified or examined.
The -back and -front flags cause the window to be
sent to the back or front. The -title flag causes
the current window title to be printed. The -pos
flag with no following parameters can be used to
find the current x and y positions of the window.
With a comma separated set of numbers, it moves
the window to that position if possible. Simi-
larly, the -size parameter either reports the size
of the current window in pixels, or resizes the
window to that size if possible. The -scrsize
flag reports the current size of the screen con-
taining this window, and the -smouse and -wmouse
flags report the cursor position relative to the
screen or window.
With no parameters, the window command prints a
helpful usage message. Note that this usage mes-
sage contains one additional option which can be
included after the -title flag to change the win-
dow title to a set value. However, this is not
actually permitted by AmigaDos, and although it
works now, it may cause problems, and its use is
not recommended. Use at your own risk.
Example: # move window to back and upper left hand corner
window -back -pos 0,0
See Also:
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 25 External Cmd Reference
Name: xd
Type: External Command
Default: n/a
Usage: xd [ file ... ]
Range: n/a
About: xd (hex dump) prints a hexadecimal dump of each
named file, or the standard input if no files are
named. It prints the hex address of the current
offset as 8 digits, then a hex dump of 16 bytes
separated into groups of 2 bytes, then an ASCII rep-
resentation of the 16 bytes, or '.' if the byte is
not a printable character.
Example: xd any_old_file
See Also:
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 26 External Cmd Reference